I want to get a new phone, the best is the Huwei mate 20 per. As a result of the conflict between China and America, am I worried about updates with this phone?
Only if you want to use WhatsApp could there be problems. I think Huawei is a top brand and satisfied with my Mate 10 Pro mega.
I've just got me that degree. When Media Markt said that for the first still everything is safe and the changes would apply only to future devices. If that's true… 🤔 No idea, I took it that way, the next two years will go wrong… 😬
I have zero problems with my Mate 20 Pro, especially with WhatsApp!
So watch TV on Huawei now and then and advertise with guaranteed updates. In itself, the Huawei devices are very good.
Those who think that while it is safe that you keep Android Aber => https://www.faz.net/aktuell/technik-motor/digital/android-ohne-google-apps-google-entzieht-huawei-die-lizenz-16364350.html
Besides, I would not bet on it, you buy it afterwards and you only have problems.
Apart from that, these are apparently the purest bugs in China, but if it's better to be overheard by the Americans, that's another story…
But would not do it…
All Huawei models that are already in the sales, stock or so on the market you need to have no thought. Here you will continue to receive all updates. Only the new models will appear as it currently looks different. For example, the Mate 30 Pro that will be released will probably not receive an Android license thanks to the Psycho Trump.
Ehm. It's about the America / China dispute due to WhatsApp. Did not get it?
Ehm. It's about the America / China dispute due to WhatsApp. Did not get it?
I have zero problems, did not notice?
You are apparently very short-sighted.
And you are poisoned by the media!
ZERO problem is ZERO problem! Not that hard to understand, right?
The America / China dispute is a problem that will come to us in the future. The questioner should think accordingly into the future, whether the investment is worthwhile for him, if he can possibly no longer use WhatsApp in the future. Not that hard to understand, right?
There's no WhatsApp dispute between America and China.
Will probably not get an Android license
Not correct. There will be no Google license. But Android is open source and can be used by anyone.
Since you can't forgive or withdraw licenses.
These are pure assumptions, made by the media and YOU!
Currently the problem described by you is not there and with:
Had bicycle chain
Maybe, someday, could, …
you do not help anyone.
Because that maybe, etc. Could then apply to ALL areas of life, not only Huawei.
But I doubt that you understand that or even want to understand.
I think I was more informed than you. And I did not say it was an exclusion criterion. Reading is really not your strength, oh man. I said there could be problems. What the questioner does with it is his thing.
The dispute could affect the WhatsApp usage.
Why should he? In the worst case, WhatsApp is no longer preinstalled, if that ever was… And then you just install it.
So who cares?
It was just a little note. Have not said anywhere that there's a reason not to get one? The questioner asked and I answered.
The note was completely unnecessary, because nothing will happen.
Unnecessary scare tactics. At least for devices that are already on the market.
Stay with the topics of which you understand something in the future.
I do, that's why I'm here. And I do not find it scare. Or are you so sensitive?
License? Android is open source.
What is in your profile?
Study and personal interest.
Philosophy and society, social, Japanese, story writing, history
Your most helpful answers have nothing to do with technology. So this is wrong! 🙃
Well, unfortunately, you can't select more than 5 topics, but that does not mean that I have no idea of more topics. In addition, something like America and China falls quite under society, as it is part of the policy. But nice that you take the trouble to look at my profile. Boredom?