No internet access despite hotspot connection?

- in Mate series

I moved into my dorm today, where I have a LAN connection. Today I have my laptop (HP) connected to the LAN cable & I'm also easily on the Internet. To also on my phone (Huawei Mate 20) in Insta and co. To be active, I built a hotspot with my laptop. Although I can connect to the phone with the hotspot, but next to the Wi-Fi icon is a call sign and it says "Connected, no Internet access". Can someone help me? I would really appreciate it. Lg Baui22


Seems to be a problem with the IP address. Does your mobile receive an IP address, so is one assigned?


You could reset the network on your laptop. (In the Windows settings under Network and Internet)

And then of course restart both devices.


Thanks for your answer!

I changed the last two digits of the IP address because I did not connect to the hotspot otherwise.


I have unfortunately already tried, but many thanks!


And you are sure that this IP address does not have any other device on the net already? Or has the hotspot opened a completely independent network?