Android smartphone: restore data from the file manager?


I'm not talking about the Android gallery.

I have an alarm system as an app, it started and took photos when the apartment door opened. I accidentally deleted the photos from the app.

But the photos are saved in the Files folder. They are no longer there, but they were until I deleted the file in the app.

How can I restore it? Which program do you know?

As I said, I mean specifically the files from the file folder on my Huawei smartphone. There are other photos stored there.


Don't install any software on the phone, no updates, and best of all, don't even visit websites or go online in any way!

Deleted data are not gone (unless the so-called TRIM command has been executed). The storage space is only marked as available. The problem is that the next SMS, WhatsApp message, the next photo or update or the temp. Files from retrieving a website can use this space and thus overwrite your data.

So the more you do with the phone, the more likely data will be irretrievably destroyed.

Therefore, I would rather recommend going to a specialist and by that I mean a real data saver and not the mobile phone shop on the corner!