Can't decide. Can someone

- in Honor series

Well, I have my birthday in June and get a new smartphone but I can't decide and need help.

Well, the choices are the Motorola one vision and the Honor View 20, I know that the situation with Huawei and relatives brands is difficult. But I know that and I just want to know which is better or which you would rather recommend to me.

Important to me is a good camera, a lot of space and memory and a good battery that lasts long, because I now have an iPhone and the battery is empty so quickly.

I'm also open to other suggestions, but first and foremost, I'd like to know which smartphone in your opinion is "better".


I have the Samsung Galaxy S8+ Edge and am at most satisfied with it! Camera is wonderful Battery also lifts quite well and memory I have, for example. 64 GB. But costs a good 400 euro at Media Markt. I can only recommend it!

PS: I have been a mobile hobby photographer for a good 5 months. If you want to look at the quality of the camera look at me over> Instagram: hd_robin_x_pro


I would buy the Honor View 20.

The s9 would also be an alternative. I have that.


Thanks for your help, I'll take a look!


Thank you.


None at all!

Seriously, that would not be an option. One year without a mobile! Best to encourage all friends and acquaintances to join.

I bet you would have amazing experiences!

And - who knows - next year, the question would probably not ask.