Why does Germany not build the 5G networks itself?


Why is it explored whether the 5G infrastructure is being built by Huawei or the US? We have companies like Siemens, Deutsche Telekom, that could do that.


The hardware builds Siemens I think so. But it's just a lot more expensive than buying from Huawei. So I'm sure the Telekon would prefer Huawei. They already operate large parts of the telecom network today.


Which local locations do we still have for the development and production of such modern circuits?


In this respect, Germany has technologically missed the connection to the extent that the politically promised infrastructure-building measures to this extent with locally produced technology would not be feasible in the promised time.

Various foreign technology companies already have the necessary manufacturing capacity for the timely provision of hardware.


The previous speaker said that Siemens already builds this hardware, but apparently it is more expensive than Huawei. Would still take Siemens, a bit of patriotism is already part of it.


Nothing against patriotism, but if our world-wide politicians make full-fledged promises to increase their popularity, but certain companies can't provide the necessary resources / functional units in the necessary time with the necessary number of units at an affordable price alone for a networked infrastructure, then the choice is already quite difficult.

Do you know the saying: "too many cooks spoil the broth?"

What is likely to happen if a new mobile and data transmission network nationwide (initially 5G is only planned for metropolitan areas) would only be a patchwork of technologies and products from various manufacturers? (I'm just talking about the broadcast infrastructure here)

Then in the maintenance and repair next to troubleshooting but no one really really knew which wheel it hooks exactly. Is the fault with Siemens, with Huawai or anyone else who has built with his hardware on the network, each with its own hardware and software?


Well, clever heads work at the Fraunhofer Institute or at the Konrad Zuse Institute…


Actually, the construction from China does not have to be bad. A favor for a favor, I think you understand…


I'm aware of that, but that alone does not help and does not answer my question.


In the meantime, Chinese technology does not have to be equated with cheap copy, as HUWAI (Smartphones) can clearly see in their own hardware development.

The specially developed ARM SoCs are now even close to Apple's Bionic chips for the Iphones.


I also have a Huawei and am very satisfied with it. The thing can cook everything except. Habs bought for Appel and an egg. Even if the iPhone should be better: unbeatable in terms of price performance.


As I said earlier, in some sectors, China now offers absolutely competitive, self-developed products of acceptable quality.