Loading sequence for mobile phone?


There have already been some contributions but maybe someone can answer who really knows what is right now…

In the instructions for the Samsung smartphone, it says:

1) Plug the charging cable into the cell phone, THEN into the socket

On the homepage of huawai it is exactly the other way around: first the plug should be in the socket and then on the cell phone…


2) When it comes to unplugging, everyone agrees: first unplug the mobile phone, then the plug from the socket.

What in the world is right now? The plug-in spark is annoying, it is actually only there if you do it as Samsung says or even if no cell phone is connected yet. I don't like the spark and it scares me, but I also want to do it right to prevent possible damage to the phone. I would be really grateful if someone could help me who knows.


Thank you for your answer! So it was actually not about money at all… I just find it confusing because it says so in the instructions and different manufacturers say different things. And this spark when plugging in annoys me when I do it as it is in the instructions for my cell phone…


You mean the spark from the socket? Or on the USB connector? In any case, given the tension, no one should appear there. Then something is wrong.


I mean the spark in the socket that is sometimes there when you plug in the charger… I read it is normal that there's this spark in the socket?