Temperature is below the operating temperature?


Something awkward happened to me.

I was bathing and had my cell phone, a Huawei, in my hand. However, this has fallen off me now. Of course, in my luck, into the water. I fished it out again quickly.

Now I get something displayed.


The temperature is below the operating temperature of the phone. The functionality is limited.

Now I'm worried about the life of my smartphone. I would be very grateful if anyone knows what to do!


A wet mobile phone is switched off IMMEDIATELY and does not even see if something is still working. It can ultimately be ruined. If the battery is removable, remove it immediately.


Take the battery out and put it with the housing cover removed in the sun until it is completely dry from the inside again. (can take hours!) There's probably a single drop of water sitting on the board and disturbs the electronic temperature measurement.


The problem is the battery is unfortunately not rausnehmbar: /


Unfortunately, I can't take the battery out: /


Then put it in the heat, wait and hope!


Okie dokie!