Should Huawei be involved in the expansion of the 5G network?


Interior Minister Seehofer is in favor of it, the digital minister Bär against it, the EU commission president v.d. Leyen also has concerns.

The USA is also opposed to this.

Huawei is significantly involved in the totalitarian surveillance system in China.

As a co-owner, the Chinese state has a direct influence on Huawei's data collection.

Question is above.


That may be the case that Huawei is not completely clean. On the other hand, if I were chancellor, I would specifically seek cooperation with China and Russia, since Germany can't defend itself against US surveillance. We need powerful states and industrial groups as allies!

The Chinese certainly do industrial espionage with us, but so does the United States. But above all, the US patronizes us politically and China doesn't! That's why China is better than the USA!


Definitely… And it is not that Deutsche Telekom can't simply monitor the data transfer… I mean, it is a joint project and Huawei has so far made no debts…


Let's put it this way.

5G in 2020 2025 and even 2030 is more than just unnecessary.

Yes, it may be that some (very few) companies and route networks would need 5G coverage SOMETHING, but not yet.

I sometimes don't even have 3G in FFM or where I live!

You should first connect every household with 100Mb / s or more (500) before talking about 1Gb / s, because let's be honest. The Otto Normal Kevin doesn't need it. I have an 8K + PC that can only process 2Gb / s. But: My network load just manages 2Mb / s down.

5g just doesn't make sense over the bad connection. It is not clear to me to spend millions or several billions, laser link connections in big cities would be appropriate.


The problem is that there are interfaces in the whole network technology for the NSA. And the Chinese are reluctant to disclose them.


That is the only reason!

That Dorothee Bär is against it is because she is a member of the Atlantic Bridge!


And otherwise pretty invisible.


That's a good thing!


I don't care whether my data is "pulled" by Chinese or Americans. Unfortunately, there's no alternative to really protected technology.