Would not cooperation between mobile phone companies make sense?


If, for example, Huawei with his camera and Samsung with his screens and Apple with the processor and iOS, and other companies would join in and Google would still help with iOS, would not this result in a revolution that would bring any profit? Then you would have all the power of all companies in ONE smartphone. Would it be worth the price of 1650 euro?

This could make you a "SuperPhone" tinkering, right?


That's it. Many phones have Sony cameras, Samsung displays, wireless chips from Qualcomm and memory chips etc from various other companies. The iPhone, for example, consists only of third-party hardware, there's nothing apart from the design of Apple.


Nevertheless, they still compete. But what if they worked together, would not that make the "perfect" phone?


No, it would not make the "perfect smartphone" when all the major manufacturers work together.

They would then have a monopoly product for which they could arbitrarily set the price, regardless of the market.

Second, competition is good for the customer, not only because of the price war, but also because companies try to outdo each other through services and innovation, and thus reach new standards.

Once they've developed a working cell phone, why spend a lot of money on development? They have guaranteed their income either way (replacement equipment, etc.)


The superphone has only disadvantages

Once all the others are out of the market, the device can cost 4000 euro and it will be sold
It's like that everyone has to take the phone and that's just like every day strawberry ice cream…
Who should continue to develop then… Nobody… So standstill…