Another wave of software updates?


Huawei is known to me for its suddenly occurring software updates, which occur 3 times in a week.

Last it was 2 days in a row! 2x download, restart, installation in a row?!

Don't they get that baked? Is something going wrong? Why not a big one and ready?

That is almost twice a month. Ok, sometimes a little break…

I then ask myself whether it is more about downloading data in order to observe user behavior.

Is that the same with you?


There was a security update and one related to the Corona app very close to one another. If a security gap is discovered then it has to be closed, but that affects all Android smartphones that are still supplied with updates.

If you missed an update, it will be loaded first and then the current one.

Be glad that the security updates are going so well at Huawei, this is not the case with all manufacturers.


I can't overlook them, they'll report immediately and then automatically until it has been installed.

OK then I'll just see it positively. Makes more sense anyway ^^


I have a Huawei myself and have received so many updates lately, but I didn't see one.


Thanks for the star, greetings to you