Huawei problem, do you come with


And I have a problem, if I want to start my Huawei, there comes the following on the screen: "Emui" and then three ways I can choose: "Reboot System Now", "Wipe data / Factory Reset" and "Wipe Cache partition ". When I press "Reboot System", the phone reboots and it just keeps being the same. Yesterday I had the same problem after I tried to start the phone, but when I pressed "Wipe Cache Partition" I thought I was loading it something and then it went back to normal and I could use it. Today, however, when I try to press "Wipe cache partition", it loads to 100%, but then the same screen appears again with the 3 options. The option "Wipe data / factory reset "I do not want to use, because I think the reset / deletes all my data and I have no mood. Is there anything I can do or How can I solve the problem myself without going to the repair?


Is your phone rooted?


Is it possible that the device was rooted? If so, you can forget the Huawei support right away, you can actually one way or the other, because it is a software error and Huawei only with hardware errors repaired.


No, I did not consciously rooted it, that does not happen by itself, right?


I did not consciously rooted it, that can't root by itself, right? So super is the phone now scrap?


I would call Huawei's customer support, describe your problem. Actually, only the support can help you there. (0800 77 886633 German, English | From Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 21:00, Saturday from 09:00 to 18:00 (except public holidays)


Okay thanks