My cell phone can no longer be used properly?


So, I have a Huawei P20Lite and have been for about a year.

Last night I noticed for the first time that I can no longer google (I can go to the bar, but as soon as I type something it crashes). Then I restarted my cell phone, but it didn't help.

This morning I noticed that the same thing happened with my music app (a gray loading screen appears for a second before it throws me back on my home screen).

Various other apps have been affected since this morning, including a different search engine and certain categories in my settings (settings can be opened but sub-categories such as viewing my Huawei ID can't be opened and kicks me out again).

To me it seems like it is getting "worse" and that more and more apps are being affected. I tried to restart the phone, switch it off completely and start it up again and also deleted various apps (ie all "newer" apps, but even the "newer" ones I have had for a few months now). I have also tried to stop and restart the apps that are now packed, but to no avail.

I thought I might need a new software update but according to my cell phone I'm up to date (EMUI

Would anyone know what the mistake could be?


An update for Web View is available


This is due to the "WebView" application.

Either look in the Playstore to see if there's an update for it, or uninstall the updates from the application.

Then it should work again.


This is a problem with google and is in no way related to your phone.

All you have to do is update the WebViewer in the Playstore.


There appears to be a virus floating around.

My P40 is still working. My HP notebook crashes when I try to print.

That happens after a win update.

You have Android. But it can still be.

You and I are not the only ones here.

Factory status without update afterwards.

