Android again for Huawei?


I have read in several reports that Trump has agreed to a "ceasefire" regarding the trade war. Nevertheless, there are still countless posts in which it says that the new Huawei smartphone will come without Android, but with HongMeng OS (or Harmony OS, Ark OS).

How should one understand the whole thing back and forth? Will Huawei get licenses for Android again because the ban is lifted?

I would be happy to receive answers.


Trump hats verk a c… Huawei brings out its own operating system. And in the near future, that's as good as Android.


Huawei does not need a license for Android. The OS is open source. It's only about the Google apps hacked ala Playstore, Maps, youtube and co.

I hope for all that Huawei finds an alternative. Finally off the data octopus from America!


You can't withdraw Huawei's Android license because there are no licenses for open source software.

The only thing that can be withdrawn are the Google licenses.

And they have not received the new Mate 30 (Pro / Lite), so they are delivered without Google Apps.

The whole thing goes so far that Huawei does not even offer the new equipment in Europe.

For one or other German customers maybe a loss, for Huawei itself rather less.

Their biggest market is Asia anyway, where the devices have always been offered without Google services.


And you mean, China is not a data octopus?


And it gets even worse, the Playstore can actually install only when the devices are rooted and that will probably make no one at prices of more than 1000 euro 😩


Huawei system is also Android 😀


Honestly. Do you believe a word what Trump says?

Rumors on the internet are taken seriously. Android is NOT an American system.

Originally "open source"

Let Trup talk. Hopefully he will be voted out next year.

China is a huge economic power. In the export even before Germany.

The good old American Apple. Who produces it?

China. Can you read on every apple.

The chips come from the USA. Produced in China. Like almost all brands too.

So if Trump did that blocking Huawei, China would just flip the switch. Apple. Bye.


How did you know that only root would be possible for me?


That would be really stupid then.


Sure, even more. But they are primarily interested in their own people (yet)

Google operates worldwide


They are - according to initial tests - already far ahead of Android. Huawei's system is slimmer and much faster with at least the same functionality. I'm looking forward to it, if there's a serious competition on the market.


That's exactly what it looks like! We do not care about the Chinese in Europe, but Apple, Google & Co. Are all peeking on us!


"They are - first tests after - already far ahead of Android."

Says who?


The continue to get Android as the operating system, but without Playstore

Huawei is committed to Android
As early as July 2019, Western Europe boss Walter Ji commented on the future of Huawei as part of the presentation of Huawei's first 5G smartphone When asked what operating system will be used in future Huawei devices, he confessed himself to Android and the Android ecosystem. This statement was reiterated several times in mid-August at Huawei's HDC Developer Conference. The in-house operating system remains Plan B and Google's Android remains the first choice - at least outside China.


Current ComputerBILD. Wondering who is more serious than source, CB or Golem. I do not think much of the latter…


Who is that? We will see. My Opinion: What the Americans can do, the Chinese have long been and their system is not just since yesterday in development. On newspaper articles - no matter what source - I give nothing more for a long time.


Well, what you are referring to in your comment on an article in the computer image, either you give nothing on newspaper articles, then do not mention them in your posts as a source, or stand to the, and do not rumy as you just in the stuff fits. And who are you?


Boy, you can do anything but not offend! I have only pointed out that according to my information, the system is good. You have another source that makes it unsuitable. So. Who is more trustworthy, I do not know (and as an expert in mold removal YOU are certainly not!) And it is also not the topic that I would add even more energy for research. For that you do not have to turn me on stupid!


Quote "Who is that" which I allow myself to ask back who are you, and I'm not just an expert in mold removal!

You give as a source the computer image for your findings, but then write as I re that the "on newspaper article - no matter what source - I give nothing more for a long time."

that testified that you change your mind how it fits you straight into the concept, which also proves that you have since you just superficially informed, you comment here and give yourself

"And it's not the topic that I would put in more energy for doing research"

then do not comment on a topic you did not inform yourself about, and then so on

"They're already far ahead of Android in their initial testing, and Huawei's system is sleeker and much faster with at least the same functionality."

Where do you then take this knowledge if that is not the topic where you hang yourself in and newspaper articles that are taken on the Internet yes 1: 1 viewed as a reputable source?

But then also accuse me without having informed correctly, that it is not my expert topic and give the insulted, and I see in any point of my comments that I was insulting you, I have only countered and not stupid turned on, and if you disagree as stupid turn on then this is your problem!


"Who is that?" Referred to "Computer picture is so serious too?" and not on you personally or something similar. And sorry, I have just seen that you also seem to be an expert in trash broadcasts on TV. 😆

And as for the rest, this discussion is too stupid for me.


You've given the computer image as the source, not me, and all your comments are based on it, but no matter.


Thanks for the star, greeting andie