Instagram Windows 10?

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So, right at the beginning: I own a Microsoft Lumia 550 because my parents do not allow me to buy another (better) one. (Reasons are unknown xD). Anyway, I was glad that I could at least use Instagram, where I noticed after some time that many functions are missing. (eg surveys, live video). I was looking for an update in the store, but did not exist. I can't ask, vote or start live video now. I can watch them (the live videos), but I can't do one with a girlfriend. Whenever I enter a text or something in the story, it usually gets blurred, so I do not add anything to my story.

I really do not know what to do or how to request an update for WP. But I have already submitted a detailed feedback, where I summarized all my complaints.

Does anyone know how to best persuade my parents? They are still the "backward" people in terms of technology (they both still have a button phone). My siblings also all have Microsoft phones, and my eldest brother is visibly proud to own one.

I would also have the opportunity / money to buy my own cheap (Huawei p9 lite mini / Amazon / about 139 euro).


Imagine I did not have a Nokia 3310 at your age, it was a hard time, because almost everyone had one and you could play snake 2 with it. That was really a hard time, but you get through somehow.


Everything has changed (technology and such). My first cell phone was also a key mobile phone. Your answer does not really help me because I asked what to do with instagram, not if you had a cell phone or not


The answer is clear: if your parents will not let you do that, then you can't do anything except wait until they have nothing left to say to you.


Ok, understood, but my INSTAGRAM PROBLEM is still not solved long and I need Help, so if you want to discuss with me now, who had which cell phone / what my parents (not) allow, you can go, because you help me not in the least


You are crazy. The only solution is to go down from the dead Win10 mobile platform. But that is forbidden to you.


And please let me ask you my question again, because I think you have read something


Yes wow and how


Buy an Android or iOS device.


Look, maybe alternative apps like "6th day" have these features.

If not, you're just unlucky. But do not take it so hard. This is just about two Insta functions. There are worse ones.


The main problem is unfortunately that the apps on a Windows Phone from the individual manufacturers are not developed… Many providers have even withdrawn their apps.

We also have a WinPhone in the house… Actually it would not be so bad… But - unfortunately it is a dying operating system / system, which is not further developed by the app manufacturers and MS…