Does anyone have access to my data?

- in P series

I just received an email that someone (using a cell phone other than mine) Huawei PRA-LX1 · Chrome Mobile WebView · Berlin, Germany has logged into my account… I received this email twice. Both times from the same cell phone, except that the location was Lower Saxony instead of Berlin the second time and the time was 10:54 and the other time 2:19. Does that mean that someone has hacked into my account? , Or can this just be a mistake? First took all the pictures from my account…

Has something happened to you before? I'm a bit overwhelmed, and don't know if I should rather delete my account completely for security reasons… Can you help me?

Aso and my cellphone is a Huawaii p8 lite 2017


Sounds like a fact report.


Vlt you logged yourself in sometime yesterday but just forgot.


Delete mail immediately. Never provide dates. Sounds like phishing.


Yes, I logged in yesterday because I downloaded an app that required this, but yes from my cell phone and not in Lower Saxony and not at 2:19 …


The location is never exact. So you were the one who was meant in the email.


What kind of account is it all about?


Jo, but the cell phone right?


Your hand is called:
Huawei P8 lite PRA LX1 dual sim.
register your cell phone and you will no longer receive a notification!


I get this email every time I log in to my Google Account with a new device. I would change the password.

