Do I have a warranty on my phone that I bought from the private seller?

- in P series

So I bought a P20 Pro Huawei from Ebay (private person). The smartphone was used for a review for 1 day after sales. So already open. Also has 1 scratch on the foil, but otherwise completely new. The seller sends me the bill.

Question: Do I have a manufacturer's warranty although there's another name on the bill? 2 question: Can it be that zb. Battery or other parts have been replaced? Do I still have a guarantee?


The manufacturer's warranty also applies after change of the owner. (Purchase contract, proof of ownership is necessary.

There's no guarantee for used items from private persons. (Unless it is contractually regulated)


As it is already there, you have no guarantee or warranty against private individuals unless it is otherwise agreed. If he is a dealer so with a trade license he must give you a guarantee.

With the original invoice from dealers you have the normal deadlines in any case.

On receipts or gifts you have no name or any other name. It does not matter.

Are parts exchanged and not from the manufacturer or original dealer, it may be that they give you no more warranty


Conversely, it is correct: If it was not excluded (which also does not have to work without further notice), there are warranty claims.


Guarantee exists in principle also between private persons, if not effectively excluded. In turn, a guarantee is often limited to the original purchaser.


The manufacturer's warranty is transferred to the buyer if the original invoice of the first owner and a proof of resale can be presented. If a third party intervention was carried out in a non-Huawei certified workshop, all warranty claims expire.


Similar yes true 😅 you have to exclude it privately