Black Friday where is the fault with the O2 contract?

- in P series

I want the Huawei P20 Pro and need an LTE tariff.

The P20 Pro at Saturn costs 580 euro (reduced):

I definitely want to LTE. At O2 I get 10GB as under 28 (young people) for 25 euro a month + 30 euro connection fee:

580 euro + 2425 + 30 = 1210 euro after 2 years minimum contract period.


Now the phone in the contract:

Minimum contract period 24 months. 1 euro once, 29,99 euro connection fee. As "young people" it makes 45 euro a month. I even get a smart watch for that.


24 * 45 euro + 30 euro + 1 euro = 1.111 euro after 24 months


If I buy the mobile phone myself, it would have to be cheaper. But it is the complete opposite and these prices have been around for months. The P20 Pro in Saturn and elsewhere was even more expensive, at O2 everything stayed the same. Where is the trap at O2? Or why can this work?


Can also appeal to the seller… They are there or choose the customer hotline


"If I buy the phone myself, it would have to be cheaper."

No, that was never the case with mobile phone tariffs.

Sometimes there are even contracts, as are the total contract costs incl. Handyzuschläge below the Marktneupreises of the device; but there were earlier more often than today.


Look at this in comparison:


The mistake is that you then have the contract on the cheek.


But that does not help me much, because some people just want to deduct the money anyway. They are not neutral and will not choose a disadvantage of their offer, but that's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for the mistake in the contract and suspect somewhere a trap. That will not tell me O2.