Purchase recommendation smartphone with services like Huawei P8 Lite 2017?

- in P series

Had and currently bought the Huawei P8 Lite 2017 (end of 2017).

However, it weakens from time to time and continues to grow backwards, so I wanted to inform me again what is now to have so.
GB number, performance and so scollten could already keep up with the P8, fingerprint scanner, NFC and so I have never used.
Camera should already be so about the shoot.

Wa is there now good, which is not so bad money?


Depending on the budget I would recommend devices from Xiaomi, because there the relationship between price and performance is really good. (eg the Redmi Note 8 Pro, a great device for a comparably good price)

Otherwise, I would still take a look at OnePlus (unfortunately a little more expensive) or Honor (subsidiary of Huawei) throw.


How good or better is that the Redmi Note 8 pro compared to its predecessor (?) Redmi Note 7?
So there are extreme performance leaps or something?


According to test reports, the processor of the Redmi Note 8 Pro is better, which should also have a pretty positive effect on performance.


Would stop just 100 euro price difference: - /


Since you have to decide now if the extra power is worth it, otherwise you can do without it and get you the grade 7.