Huawei P30 wrong Wi-Fi password?

- in P series

My daughter has the above-mentioned phone and always has problems with the Wi-Fi connection. The connection always has the wrong password, we have changed it several times. Only large letters, only small letters, without special characters and numbers, but always the same message.

Does anyone else know the problem?


The problem occurs, for example, if several routers have the same SSID (WLAN identifier).

Then you often connect to the wrong WLAN, which of course means that the password is wrong.


Where exactly does that come from? With your own?
Is there another nearby (with the same name)?

Maybe a MAC filter is active (in the router)? This can cause the same mistake


With a password there's only one spelling - there's no variation possible. You have to enter this exactly as it is defined in the router.


We have set the password ourselves on the router.


Yes with ours. And there's none nearby with the same name.