I can't download a PDF file?

- in P series

I have the problem that I have not been able to download a pdf file on my mobile phone for weeks when someone sends me this via email. I use Web.de on my mobile phone. If I want to open the file then: Download Manager and then I can only choose between Cancel and Download and do not make any settings. Whenever I want to download it, I get: Unknown Download failed. I'm really pissed off why this doesn't work. How can I download pdf files? My phone is Huawei P40. Does that have something to do with the fact that there's no longer Android? Especially now that you always have to have a voucher or appointment and many pdf files are sent to me, I absolutely have to know how to download files from the email


Have you installed an app that is able to open pdf files, because they are usually not preinstalled… (even if that shouldn't actually be related to the download). You could try another mail app, or on the PC via an e-mail program or via the browser. Have you already tried whether you can download other files?


1. Other files do not work either. Nothing goes. It used to work then they always came to the wps office. Somehow it suddenly stopped working. I then downloaded a PDF reader but the download doesn't work either, it only reads the ones I already have


I also remember what I forgot to mention: it is only when someone sends me a PDF file in the email that I can't download it or view it. But if I want to download any PDF file from Google then it works


The download doesn't work either, it only reads the ones I already have

But this is also typical for a pdf reader…


That would also speak in favor of trying a different mail program, or via the PC…


I'll try it out with the app