Oneplus6 or Huawei P20?

- in P series

Can't decide which of the two I should take even after several reviews / youtube videos not.

Does anyone have experience with any of the devices

use my phone mainly for whatsapp, social media, google maps, youtube, surf, take pictures, listen to music. Not to play

and I have a Samsung Gear S3 Frontier.

so far I use an Iphone 7+

To switch to Android, I mainly moved the dual sim function of both devices.


Both suggestions are not bad.

I personally have a OnePlus5 and have never been so happy with a device before.

You can simply set everything on OnePlus and choose how you want it. No annoying unnecessary notifications, etc.

Stock Android is awesome! I do not know if the P20 synonymous over Stock Android runs or whether synonymous with Samsung runs with Bloat-Ware.

I can only give you the OnePlus page but basically you do not do anything wrong with both devices!

Are both very good smartphones, awesome cameras, very good display and hardware specs. Good choice.

I (personally) would recommend the OnePlus to you, as I and many of my friends have made very good experiences with the devices so far.

I'm also an ex-Apple disciple and switching to such an open, well-functioning device and OS (Android) was amazing.

Much better than ****** Apple. (My personal opinion. "Deal with it!") I can say that, I've had to work in an Apple environment for 2 years now.)

Have fun with the new device then (whatever it gets). For you a new world will arise ^^


So if you only want to use it for "small" stuff, you even get a middle class phone. Because why high end if you do not need it at all? That would be just a waste of money.


The two have the OP6.

But who would you take the P20 Pro?