Is it worth it to buy a Huawei?

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Since I wanted to buy a cheap and at the same time good smartphone I came across the "Huawei P20", only I had heard a while ago that Huawei should have quite a problem with their mobile phones. So my question is worth it to buy the Huawei P20? And is it enough for Snapchat that it does not pack around? Does it make good photos?


Huawei has no problems with her cell phones, Trump has a problem with Huawei


So they are not broke? And you can buy one?


Can you, all commercially available Huawei smartphones also have the Android operating system, and they also get updates.

Huawei not only builds smartphones, they will also survive a Trump that can't sustain that, Apple has mostly produced in China, and the rare earths that are needed for the Smartphone come mostly from China, the Chinese are sitting there longer lever.

Huawei is the market leader in terms of technology at 5G, the company hardly misses one.


Does the Huawei P20 have good camera quality?


Has it

for the headphone there's USB-C to jack adapter


So firstly, the trade dispute has been resolved in parts or at least defused, because the American side, especially Google, has a bigger problem with the restrictions than the Chinese. Huawei has a gigantic home market with billions of potential customers in its back, is not necessarily dependent on foreign business. Google, on the other hand, is likely to have a lot more nibbling on a few million users of their systems, so I suppose that would have intervened with Trump if they did not do it anyway. Because even if perhaps a period later would be a step backwards, Huawei would have had until then perhaps its own system long established and their users would have been no longer interested in Google services. Because what the Ami can, the Chinese can already long.
Huawei broke? Unthinkable, at least not because of Trump's trade restrictions!