Why is the battery life of my Huawei P20 Pro Dual SIM shorter than that of the Xiaomi Pocophone F1 Dual SIM, even though they both have the same 4000 MaH?

- in P series

I bought the Xiaomi Pocophone F1 3 weeks ago and returned it because I had problems with the net. Now I have bought the Huawei P20 Pro. Both phones were used with the same standard apps and their own separate apps. I clearly notice the difference, as I have been able to get away with the Pocophone easily 12 hours and now only 7-8 hours on the P20 Pro.


It is not the same hardware installed, also another Android interface is used therefore the battery life is different.


But in this test on Youtube, she keeps the Huawei P20 Pro much longer, see link:


It depends on how you use it, in some apps the Huawei uses more battery and in some less, since the CPU does not necessarily have to use full power, it clocks down resulting in lower power consumption, but since other cpus clock them differently and consume different amounts of electricity.


So now I found it. It was face recognition because Face Unlock tried to recognize face every time it moved in the pocket. It is now back to normal.