P20 lite or Mate 20 lite?

- in Mate series

I wanted to make a cell phone contract. Now I have found two but I can't decide between two:

Huawei P20 lite for 13 euro a month


Huawei Mate 20 lite for 15 euro a month

I wanted to ask if the 2 euro more a month is worth it for me to get a slightly newer and slightly better phone?

Does anyone have experiences?


I have the P20 lite and am more than satisfied. Want to stream with it, watch movies, … I make it in the evening in bed. Works perfectly! Even graphically complex games etc run smoothly. Let nothing tell you, nowadays no manufacturer can afford to offer the bot to the bot. There are devices that have "better" values on paper, but they are not needed at all. There are no apps or applications that really do that. Much sounds only for advertising as a selling point. Just like a lot of pixels, but then interfere with each other on the small sensor and then the images in the dark noise. It takes a good mirror reflex with a large sensor, so that brings something. But the main thing man can say "My smartphone has 20mp, to indicate"… But then too small to make a reasonable snap… As I said, the P20 lite has everything you need, even for the next few years. Bin u.A. Learned electronics technician.


Many Thanks. I heard it should be relatively large and is very similar to the iPhone X? Have the phone synonymous only briefly in the hands of Saturn. From the size I found it pleasant. I think I also tend to p20 lite more. I just thought it would be better to have a newer phone so I can continue to use it for the next two years without any problems. I also think I read that the p20 lite has Android 8.0 and the Mate 8.1


As I said. There will be no applications for the next few years, which bring the current devices to their (much too high) power limit. It can still be screwed down a lot on performance in some devices, which makes them cheaper and more akkuschonender be, but the customer just want to see the largest possible numbers on the data sheet. Manipulated by advertising. It's big, when I had it for the first time in my hand I thought: Under lite I imagine something else But it's OK. And whether 8.0 or 8.1 … Today even 4.X is supported. Since you will be with 8.0 even a long time.


The bigger differences are the display size and the chipset.

With the display size you have to know your wishes. There's also a larger battery for the Mate 20 Lite.

The chipset is better and newer on the Mate 20 Lite.

As the difference in the camera looks, I do not know.

I think it's worth it. It's best to test them at the local store.


Have another cell phone contract found with the Huawei P20 and have now taken that. I liked the phone best of all and was just as cheap.