Unfortunately, my phone broke a few days ago and I was looking for a new contract. A friend had recommended me the Huawei Mate 20 (Pro?) And recommended me a contract on a comparison portal. Found this contract on smarttarif24: and wanted to ask you how to find it? Priced?
Price is reasonable, but just without LTE. If you do not like LTE then it's okay. To mobile: The Mate 20 Pro is very good when it comes to performance, camera and features. Personally, I do not like the system (EMUI) because it is unattractive - subjective. Which device did you have before that?
Priced for the services, I find it good. However, one often hears from Otelo bad.
I would take that with LTE costs I think only 4 or 5 euro more. I had the Galaxy S7 before.
What exactly do you hear about OTELO?
Personally, I do not like it but the Edge Display. Find the normal 20 better pure technically it is absolutely ok.
Then get the S9 / S9+ or if you have some money aside directly the S10
And how is the camera from the normal?
They also have offers with Samsung devices. For example with the S9 https://www.smarttarif24.de/artikel/samsung-galaxy-s9-64gb-schwarz-mit-tarif-vodafone-young-smart-l-plus-classic-eco.html
Thank you! I'll see.
Poor network quality and always problems with the network.
Aso. But does otelo not belong to Vodafone?
The camera is awesome!
Yes, but it is still an "independent provider" say own problems. Also with Vodafone there are some problems, but the one is very accommodating in the form of extra high speed or the like. This is not the case with Otelo.
Not really worse than the pro. Do not do anything wrong