Difference between International Version and West European Version on the mobile phone?

- in Mate series

I want to buy a new phone namely the Huawei Mate 20 Pro, now I've read on Amazon that there's a West European version of the phone and an international version.

Are there any differences apart from the price?


There are even more variants. As a rule, these are different frequency bands. So it may be that z. B. LTE with a variant is not fully supported in Germany and that the included power supply does not fit into our sockets. Kimovil.com compares the features.

However, these terms such as "West European Version" are word creations of the seller. You need the exact model name.


I can't quite agree with Ifm001.

That may be with the power supply, but if it is sold in Germany - you can be sure - that fits the power supply. Otherwise it would be quark and you would have a lot of returns - that will not join Amazon.

Because of LTE - you do not have to worry too. What has international reception - has also in Germany reception - see also LTE frequencies at wiki. But he is not wrong here. But I would not worry - otherwise it would not be sold here - because useless if it could not LTE in this country.

But there's really only positive.

For the international version gets z.b. Faster Android updates than the Western Europe faction. This is because most of the updates are still being adjusted - where Huawei has long since handed them out, the West Eu people are waiting for some months.
Maybe better hardware than the version you can buy here - see z.b. The Samsung S10 - Germany version get a weaker battery? Whatever the reason - the info was available recently at Chip.de Link I just do not have at hand.
You can also order other colors than the West EU version
Maybe even better accessories

Being negative could be

Facebook is missing, if any software on it - and thus more memory in the device itself
You can download missing software in the Google Store
Other camera software than the German version which does not have to be bad.

Conclusion - Pers. If I would use the International Version if it is cheaper - Send me a link - I would like to see for myself.


The international or American smartphones can't have a Wi-Fi hotspot or mobile hotspot. Also, no tethering or internet sharing for other devices such. Your pc.

These are cool Internet features which I had used very often.

Unfortunately, I own an American Galaxy S8+ and it is actually for the garbage… Mobile phone has many production errors and broken, as a NEW phone…

Thank you Ebay for a wrong product, although in your description EU device stood -.


You can't adapt the limitations of Samsung to other brands. At Huawei, that can be completely different.

Similarly, it may be that you have received a device for the US market, which is not an official Samsung Android. The sellers are often right "creative". In the US, there's also the fact that the devices are quite network provider dependent. There's nothing "international" on it.


Thank you

the international version is 110 euro more expensive than the West European version

and I thought that the international goes everywhere with the Internet and LTE and the West European only in the western part of Europe so Spain Portugal France


So far as I know costs, or has cost - the mate 20 around the 1000, -

So there you put it on 110: -O not bad.

The with the LTE should be so synonymous, it is just adapted to the Western market accordingly - z.b. With the "Kauf DA" app, which at the Int. Version wharschinlich not to be found - and quite honestly - who needs it? Gibts in the App Store, if you want it.

Would still to Int. To grab. Or wait… The folding phone from Huawai will pull the prices of the Mate 20 already in the cellar.