VPN Raspberry Pi - OpenVPN, WireGuard, home network?



I've tried countless times to set up a VPN connection in the home network via Raspberry Pi.

Software I tried: OpenVPN and WireGuard.

I followed the setup steps. For example like here: https://www.ionos.at/digitalguide/server/konfiguration/vpn-server-einrichten-via-raspberry-pi-und-openvpn/#:~:text=Der%20Raspberry%20Pi%20stellt%20hierf%C3%BCr,als%20kostenfreier%20Download%20verf%C3%BCgbar%20ist.

With WireGuard, a key is created for a person with a sender / receiver. To do this, a file must then be inserted on the mobile phone and it should work.

But when it comes to making it work - no result. My cell phone or any other cell phone can't connect to the Raspberry or home network.

I know that the port on the router has to be opened - I did it, but it still doesn't work.

Router: Internet Flex Router Huawei B535s

My idea was to buy a better router (e.g. Fritzbox) and to replace the current one or to burst the one behind it and let the VPN run over the new one. But I have no experience…

Can someone help me or does someone have tips?


Which internet access provider are you with?

Please have a look at your router to see what kind of IP address it received from the provider. Is it somewhere between 100.64.x.x - 1 = 0.127.x.x. Then the keyword is CG-NAT or DS Lite.

OpenVPN used to work for me, now it's Wireguard.