I forgot it yesterday and won't be back from the trip for four days. Could something melt through or even cause a fire? The smartphone is a bit older (a large Huawei from 4-5 years ago).
No, nothing can happen.
No not true…
Nothing happens there. We have a 15-year-old Nokia in the bedroom as an emergency mobile phone that is on the charger 365 days a year
Do not worry. When the battery is full, the current is reduced. In terms of consumption, that's not a thing…
and it's not dangerous either. In any case, no more dangerous than having the phone at home without a charger on it.
The Nokias (and especially them) can take a lot
That calms me down a lot, thank you.
No problem, the charger switches off when the battery is full. There's no more electricity. There's no other way. Otherwise all cell phones would burn through, the cordless phones are always on the ward
What kind of an emergency?
So that we z. B. Can reach parents or in-laws at night, should there be something. Our smartphones are silent at night. And only they know the number of the cell phone
There's always a fire risk, but this is no greater than e.g. With your refrigerator, which is also permanently connected to the electricity.
You can sleep calmly, nothing happens.