How can I drag my data from a broken phone to my PC?


So today I dropped my cell phone and it broke the display. As such, the cell phone still works (I hear I'm getting messages). Unfortunately, because of the broken display, I can't see anything and therefore can't operate anything (everything is black / no longer touch function).

I have a Huawei, so before moving over to Hisuite, I'm always asked whether I want to either load, transfer images / data or do a reverse charge. So this does not apply because I can't use my cell phone.

My question is whether I can still somehow drag my pictures to the PC and if so, how? I ask for help

A screen lock is activated and USB debugging is deactivated


You first have to connect a non-broken cell phone so that you can allow access from the pc to the cell phone


Could you please explain that in more detail?


So you have to connect your pc and mobile phone with a charging cable first. Then on your mobile phone the message should appear share data. You have to accept that and can then access it from the computer. With a broken cell phone screen, it won't have to be changed first.


Um, thanks?

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