How exactly does GPU Turbo by Huawei / Honor work?

- in Honor series

I have the Huawei P20 Lite and am pleased to get GPU Turbo next month. 60% more graphics power and 30% less power. Perfect for gaming.

Only I ask myself the question, how is this done? How does that work without improving the hardware?


This is about "marketing". Seriously, do not expect too much from such promises.

Basically, though, there's a lot to be done about optimizing drivers and microcode. Especially since the development cycles before the market launch are quite short, it is often the case that it works first and then takes care of the optimization. This explains why, for. As games for consoles are getting better and better, the longer the consoles are.


"Seriously, do not expect too much from such promises."

There have already been tests on YT. This is not just marketing.