I've been using Teams on an Android tablet from Huawei for 3 weeks and everything went smoothly.
Today, however, the reporting function / manual lifting function is suddenly gone. It is no longer displayed to me. Yesterday everything went smoothly!
What can I do?
Yes, it sometimes happens with MS Teams that some functions are simply gone. Most of the time it works again when you leave the meeting and close the app completely…
I've done it several times, and reinstalled the app. Did not work
The feature does not appear - You can do that
It may be that the function is not available to some users. This can have the following reasons:
There are only two participants in the conversation.
You use Microsoft Teams as a web application: Only the desktop applications for https://www.chip.de/...11749.html and https://www.chip.de/...20643.html support the raise hands function in Microsoft Teams.
You are using an outdated version of Microsoft Teams: In this case, navigate to your profile picture and click on it. Now select "Check for updates". An update will now take place if necessary.
I was already on the side…
Teams is up to date, there are far more than 2 people in the conference and, as I said, I use the app for my Android tablet.
Reinstall the app! Restart the tablet.
I already have it, unfortunately it doesn't help either
You can describe this problem to your teachers, maybe you will find a solution! Did you change anything in the settings?
My teachers are happy that they know how to put an appointment in the calendar. Otherwise the teams don't understand anything and ask us if there are problems.
I haven't changed anything at all, yesterday the hand-lift function was there all day and suddenly this morning it was completely gone.
Maybe it's a bug from the app on Huawei devices, this could be fixed in the next update!
I hope so then.
It works smoothly on my iPad, but I need that to work / take notes. It really sucks to switch back and forth all the time (especially since we have to have our camera on.)
That's right, then it's up to the device that it's a bug in Android. Should be fixed soon!
Today the function is back, what luck.
Give yourself the most helpful answer as soon as possible
Thank you very much!