How do I keep or transfer my old phone number?


I got a new cell phone (Huawei) but I don't want to have a new phone number. The SIM card of the old cell phone (Samsung A3) does not fit…

Does anyone know how I can do this?

I have already tried to get the new number out but it is in the directory: will u. A. Restored.


Which provider do you have your phone number from? Telekom, Vodafone…

you can simply order a new SIM card there, usually free of charge.


I'm at swisscom


You have to go to your provider and they can issue you a new SIM card that has the same number, but also the other new correct size that you need


The new card is from UPC


You can order a new SIM card in the appropriate format from your provider. This can be built into your new cell phone, the phone number will remain the same.