Why am i so dissatisfied?


Sometimes I'm a little dissatisfied. I'm a Huawei user, but a laptop that doesn't get that hot and doesn't need a fan really appeals to me. I don't want to buy the new MacBook with the M1 chip, it's too expensive for me, but the fact that the processor on my MateBook always warms up so quickly and hardly gets colder bothers me a lot and the battery life is good, but is already decreasing… I also like Apple products visually better. I would much rather have a cell phone that has a square frame and the bass on the iPhone 12 is much better than on other cell phones, but as I said, I don't want to buy Apple products because they are too expensive for me.

Isn't there any other way? Can't you design something of your own?


Buy fake IPhone




You can, take courage. No seriously.

If you really want to know what you need, then imagine that you have zero euro.

What would then appeal to you, what do I absolutely need and what would I spend money on?


You could also buy some older apple products like the iphone 11 as cheap refurbished ones


If you are a Huawei user, Apple is not cheap at all


It depends on what is more important to you, design, performance or price.

Apple products are not necessarily better than e.g. Huawei
MacBooks without a fan (also iPad) often get quite hot

Iphone is nice but the operation and the limitations of the operating system are not great - Android phones have clear advantages, and as far as price is concerned, most of them have a contract where the phone is included, then it's a kind of installment payment.

You should think about whether you really have to have it, whether you are not better off with cheap, everyone has iPhones - it would be nice to stand out from the crowd.