I value too much what others might think?


I would so incredibly like to have the attitude that I do not care more or less what other people might think about me - the main thing is that I'm happy, but unfortunately pretty much the opposite is the case. Whether this is a daring outfit for my standards, something I would like to say or do, a piercing, etc. Each time think "What if xyz then thinks of this and that of me" (often xyz is simply the general public)

Actual example: I want to buy a new phone, and after thinking a long time about Samsung and Huawei, I've decided that I like the latter better. Now, as always, I have to remember that anyone could think something bad / stupid, because this brand, unfortunately, did not always have the best reputation. Of course, I'm also aware that it probably does not interest anyone what I have now for a cell phone. I'm just scared that I regret my decision because of this "what others could think".

If someone wants to write "I want to have your problems": I know, there are definitely worse. But I would love to do what I want, not what others or society thinks better.


Get your wish-phone and think only of you, I do not care what others say about it


Your attitude of "what others might think" is basically with everyone. At a little or not at all pronounced at others stronger. That's how it will be with you. You do not seem to be very aimless either, you've decided on a cell phone. Now it is important to live with the consequences and the opinions of others are unsettling you.

Important now, you should not care about that. Show your self-confidence why you chose this phone, handle it with skill and… Well, a little bit (but with just a little bit) pride. Hardly anyone speaks to you then to your decision. The poor goal of trying it then gets a clear answer from you like "Because I like it!" or "because it has this and that cool feature."

If you think about it in all your decisions and are more often successful, you gradually lose the fear of the opinions of others. Usually their statement comes only out of envy or to annoy you. So, do not bother with the opinions of others when they are not appropriate, such as a decision you make. You decide for YOU and not for OTHERS.

So long


You seem to be quite uncertain, because only helps to build self-confidence.