Read receipt still invisible?


I got a message on Whatsapp without reading it, but I do not want the sender to know that. I have a Huawei and have read from the read receipt and wanted to try it out, just a little question, if I make it out, then read the message and then make it again, then sees that the sender I have read through to me or Will you see the blue check marks?


If you want to read messages without "activating" the blue checkmark, you can turn them off in general. If you then read the message, the recipient sees only the two gray hooks and can't understand whether you have read the message or not.

However, you must also be aware that by displaying the blue checkmark you will not be able to see other people, whether they have read your messages or not.

How to remove the blue tick: Settings - Account - Reader confirmation (remove the checkmark there)


I thank you. But does she see it when I turn her on, the read receipt, does she see afterwards that I've read her?


First of all you act like a little child. It does not interest you when you answer a message. Maybe you just clicked on it and then had something to do with it? This does not interest anyone who is even halfway ok and does not suffer from inferiority complexes. And if you make the read receipt, then read it and then turn it back on, the hook will turn blue, no matter if you click on it again or not. This is a much simpler solution: The Whatsapp Widget. It's like a text ad on your home screen, where you can read the news without ever opening Whatsapp. This is available on all Android devices. However, I do not know where to find them at Huawei's.


That's a good question. I do not think so, unless you go back to chatting with her after turning off the read receipt, then she sees it.


I do not behave like a child. And I have no inferiority complexes and the lady who wrote me either. So what's up this morning? The other one insults me with "Go die" and now I behave like a toddler. Thanks anyway for the answer from the second paragraph.


I think so, well, I'll give it a try later, thank you for your answer. Love from!


Without you read me exactly, but I do not want that the sender knows that

How could the sender know that you did not read them carefully?


Assuming I turn on the read receipt, then maybe you could see it in hindsight, that's what I meant by that. LG


This is definitely childish and not normal.


Good that there are different opinions. Have a good time.