Photovoltaic vs Dynamo?


Where do I want to get power from?

At a gypsy carriage. So one:

I dream of traveling through Europe with two tinker and carriage someday. (But rather an unrealistic dream, since neither money nor horses at the moment xD, but you can still think about it and maybe someone will ask somebody else and is happy about the contribution.)

I think it would be great for outdoor lighting and generally being self-sufficient to generate electricity there and wondering what makes more sense. Since there are other models with a shallower roof, photovoltaic would definitely be possible, but what about bad weather?

I found that a 35sqm photovoltaic-roofed roof brings about 3500kW / h per year. If you had 4sqm on the roof then you could expect 400kW / h, that is 1.095kW / h per day…

And a dynamo on the axle would deliver power reliably every day you drive, but, presumably with some kind of belt, will increase the train load on the horses. I've found so far pretty little, it's either about bicycle dynamos or wind turbines.

What would you recommend?


A dynamo generates far too little power due to lack of speed. My two half hp Porsche (two-in-hand with Shetty Welsh Mix and Welsh A) is fast on the way and can easily compete with big horses, but our average speed is only 12-13km / h on tracks up to 25km. A gypsy car is due to the fairly high weight with about 6km / h or even less on the way.

My lighting system on the coach is powered by a small car battery, which we charge in the spring on the charger and then holds the whole summer over.


There's no good recommendation. A photovoltaic system is usually operated stationary, information in the network usually refer to it. You think of the use in a coach, because you have anything but secured environmental conditions. Forget such information very quickly.

A smaller facility, as one knows from the field of sailing, but would be helpful in a basic need to cover. Do not forget the batteries. In addition, these systems are mechanically well protected, your idea with the roof has the disadvantage that no branch may land on the roof. Or do you just drive sorry where there are no trees?

You also have to think about that.

The idea of using the coach as a generator is not bad. Just keep in mind that the electric horse power has to be provided. Since you have to start with the calculation and calculate your own consumption well.

Two horses make about 1.5 kW, most of it goes for the carriage on it. 100 watts for the required power is then already a challenge.


The Dynamo is not quite right, modern bikes have one that sits in the hub. Okay, that with the hub does not really work with a coach wheel, but you can help with a simple gearbox, which increases the technical effort.


With a generator on the carriage you do not get far. The thing would be just a drop in the ocean. But why or? I would put on generator and solar panel and above all, the kostabre recurce electricity very carefully. There are so many other possibilities of the energy source.

e.g. Would it be madness coffee maker, heating kettle etc. Electric. So I would use the current effectively only for light, possibly a radio and of course the mobile phone charging. Then what you have there's enough in any case.


A bicycle dynamo makes 6V 3W. That's nothing. Since you would have to use 4 pieces of order to get some power output.


Hmm… And if you have a kind of cover for while driving? If you twitch for 2-4 hours a day and stand the rest of the day, you can cover it quietly for the time and now has not infinite loss 🤔

I have also considered that it might be more useful to have the facilities on one side and then deliberately face the south… Or roof and a side, do not blob mess

Where did you get the 1.5 kW?

Is there a formula or is the general knowledge hidden to me so far? 😅


If I have a relatively large implementation from the wheel to the generator (you call it that, are you?), Is it really for the cat?

Exactly, cell phone and radio were also the two obligatory posts for me and then the question of how to do it with food and heat😅:

When gas and oil I have in a wooden truck jitters, because there time to strengthen with a stuttering I suddenly burned the shack, so wood stove or electric… I think if it would be a wood stove, I would try as often as possible, outside too cooking / over the campfire, because I handle fire in a wooden car just find strange… I'm probably a little overcautious, but caution is better known, as a hindsight


Whereby, if I have tiles underneath and behind the wood-burning stove, that would have to be done without me having to fear fearful bunnies like a brand


1 hp = 736 watts. Very secret motorist knowledge ;-)

Photovoltaic vs Dynamo

It used to be so defined earlier.

"to have the facilities on one side"

Solar cells are simply mechanically sensitive. That's the problem. A lateral rempler and bingo. On the roof they would have been better off, alone because of a possible mobile orientation towards the sun. Also, the structure of the carriage is not a rigid system, because you have to come up with something to make even such tension the cells palatable.

Maybe a kind of protective grid?

"and the rest of the day,"

You have to stand up then optimally to the sun. It's all about it, if you want to get as much as possible out of the cells.

In the Sahara, you have different conditions than in the rainforest ;-)


It's not about a specific hub dynamo, which is only for bikes. It is about the principle that speed hardly matters, it depends only on the forces that are available.

We would have them. The typical person makes permanently so around 100 to 150 watts, depending on the constitution, it branches off a few watts. More is not possible.

But horses do a little more, according to the old definition of 1 hp horsepower per horse about 750 watts.


No electric! A typical hotplate is 1 kW, which you can hardly create or save. If something breaks, especially the inverter or the battery would be there the first suspects then you stand there.

In the outdoor area, there are good cookers with gasoline / petroleum or… There's supply all over the world. You have to solve the problem of fire protection, that's out of the question.