Wi-Fi too slow?

- in P series

The following problem: I have now bought 250 Mbits for a few days. It's going perfectly on lan! But on WLAN I only get 20-50 Mbit download and 30-50 Mbit upload. Another family member has around 70 Mbits download. Got the Huawei p20 lite. Is that normal?


It depends on the router

2.4 or 5GHz band

Which channel

How many disruptive WLANs in the area

and and and

What are you doing permanently on your mobile phone that 20-50Mbit downloads are not enough?!


The WLAN modules on the respective cell phone differ greatly in terms of quality, range, etc.


WLAN is always heavily dependent on the WLAN adapter, the router, the distance (and any things in between such as walls), the signal strength, the radio channel, other interferers, etc…

It can be due to anything


Fritzbox 7530 CE

Both. It depends on how close I'm.

Just 2.4ghz

14 wlans nearby (including 3 hotspots)


1 wall is in between. The router is the Fritzbox 7530 CE


As I said, these are just two of the myriad of factors. The wall can also be to blame


Fritz! Box7530 is a very good one

Sure, 14 WLANs nearby, all channels occupied several times… No wonder

They get into each other's enclosure

Then it depends on the on-site conditions: How many walls and ceilings are in the way. The deckers of those and and and


WLAN can be compared very well with a room in which there are people, the more people there are in a room, the more difficult it is to understand the individual

And walls in between don't exactly contribute to communication