Huawei P30 Pro - is it still worth it?

- in P series

I'm about to buy a new cell phone and would like to know beforehand whether it is still worth it.

My decision was made by the Huawei P30 Pro with 128GB storage.

Can you still recommend the cell phone at this time? If not, what would you recommend?

Furthermore, will there be current Android updates?


I have one, because my P10 Plus had blessed the time, even if the P40 is already outside I would still recommend the P30 even if there are deductions e.g. Memory expansion but still the device is better than the competition, and you still have full Google support if you value it.


Has the best technology and affordable purchase price.


I've been using the P30 Pro for a year now and I don't want to do without it anymore! On the contrary. The camera delivers fantastic results and pictures that have never been seen on a smartphone camera.

Must know: The full power of the P30 Pro is in Pro mode, which only works effectively if you understand it, i.e. If you know the basic concepts of photography.

Google services and updates are running great, so far no problems and restrictions. You can find more about the cell phone on my blog. I think it's worth taking a look and browsing: