Nano Sim iPhone?

- in P series

I have a Huawei right now. So the Huawei p10 lite. I want to switch to an iPhone 7 now. The iPhone 7 also needs a nano Sim (card?) If I now take out of my Huawei card and put in the iPhone, then all my data on the iPhone? So apps, photos, videos, contacts, music, etc.


No, because nothing is stored on the simcard. Although you can save contacts on the Sim, but usually this does not happen fully automatically.


Unfortunately, this is not the case.

In the age of smartphones, almost all personal information is stored on the device.

I must confess, I do not know how to get the data from an Android operating system to an iPhone with iOS. But the depths of the WWW certainly have a few solutions ready.

Regards Daniel H. Telekom helps