How can I cancel a eBay purchase?

- in P series

The question sounds a bit stupid, but how can I undo an Ebay purchase. It is about a Huawei P8 Lite, payment has not yet been made.


I'm against non-payers, but in this case I would not pay. Risk for a year with an article on ebay as a non-payer in the account to be led. If you do not do that often, nothing will happen.

In this allegedly private seller with only 97.2% rating profile:

I would not have bought. His comments on the red ratings are subterfuge or insulting.

Also, the phone you bought is already on offer again:

With the wealth of current offers:

and sales:

it's all, just not private.


And the next time you buy, please read the reviews and not only think that 97.2% are not bad. The profile is terrible.


You can comment on a bad review? How is that possible? (Not that I have one… 😇) purely for the sake of interest.


You can ask for a purchase cancellation within the first 2 hours after purchase, even if you have just changed your mind. Ebay also asks private sellers expressly to comply with the desire to cancel purchases within this time.


Look here, of course, with halo ;-), as it is described:

Link on the right side

So you come to your rating profile in "other" view and find on the right Siete the word / the link

and then it starts…

You can comment on any rating, not just bad.


Look at… ☺ Thank you! 👋


You can't cancel sales contracts.

However, since it is a commercial seller, you have a statutory right of withdrawal of 14 days.

Stupid is not the question - but that you can't get such information yourself.

So begins the revocation in the offer:

You can cancel your contract within 14 days without giving reasons in writing (eg letter, e-mail, eBay message) or by returning the goods.

The complete information, as well as address data & e-mail address to which the revocation is to be addressed, can be found here:

How can I cancel a eBay purchase

The fact is: you are unfit to trade on eBay. You have no idea what problems you will eventually face if you are still not interested in what you are getting into when doing business on the Internet.

Tip: On eBay you will find very informative and easy to understand explanations to the legal provisions of the purchase contract.

Take a look is guaranteed!

When did you buy the article?


You can always ask - but there's no claim!

And the eBay specifically asks to cancel legally binding sales contracts, I honestly can't imagine. On the contrary. EBay expressly points out to the seller that the seller's rights under the contract are NOT affected by the agreement to cancel the purchase.

eBay legal portal
Legal information for buyers
Am I obliged to take the purchased item and pay?
Legally binding contracts for the goods or services offered there are concluded via the eBay marketplace.

How the contract between buyer and seller comes about, is specified in § 6 of the eBay Terms and Conditions. Further information on the conclusion of the contract can be found in

If it comes to the conclusion of a purchase contract on the eBay marketplace, you are under § 433 para. 2 of the Civil Code (BGB) in principle obliged to accept the purchased item and pay.

This also applies if in the meantime you have changed your mind about the article or the price of the article seems too high.

(Source: eBay legal portal)

Can you explain to me why the legal provisions have been formulated so clearly and unequivocally here?

Conclusion: The option "cancel purchase" is not just a nonsensical term - (Of course, you can't cancel a purchase, on which a legally binding purchase agreement has been concluded.), But the technical possibility to refund the sales fees.

By "cancel purchase" so only the claim basis for the fee reimbursement is created.

eBay is not a contracting party and may not provide legal advice. But eBay does not want that either. On the one hand, it is not possible to earn money with quarrels and on the other hand, eBay would also have to adhere.

Unfortunately, many users believe that eBay decides between buyers and sellers in legal matters.

I can only blame myself. Through disinterest and laziness many users do not know their rights at all.

The rip-off already! Since a seller breaks the auction prematurely and click on the button: "Cancel purchase".

At the same time, the buyer receives a message that the item is no longer available and the buyer asks for abort.

The ignorant buyer agrees and that's it. He gets his money back and the rip-off offers the article again.

The buyer could have done a really great business.

And what sellers can flourish, who cancel an auction for no reason, no one really wants to experience.


Unfortunately, I do not know how to set links here. But that's the way I say. I believe that my answer also indicates that there's no entitlement to the cancellation of the purchase, but Ebay expressly requests its members to make concessions. You can read this under the search term "Ebay - cancel purchase".