4G changes to H + (Huawei)?


Moin, the problem has been haunting me for months and it's getting really annoying.

Just out of nowhere my beautiful 4G changes to H +. It only helps to reconnect completely, i.e. By flight mode on-off or restart.

The problem occurs when I'm active online a little longer. Eg In 2 hours good question 3 times the problem.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix it, the internet has not yet told me anything.



After h + comes 4g

Since you can't do anything 4g is cool but h + also creates


I discussed it with a technician from xy…

Depending on the antenna technology installed by the network supplier, the transmitter can down-regulate if the full power is not required

Whether it's true or not is up there

The phenomenon itself has never occurred to me


The cell phone automatically switches to the lower UMTS / 3G speed in the event of a poor radio connection or network congestion.