Huawei Mate 8 Android?

- in Mate series

It is already a bit since Huawei was in the news (and still is). I still have the Mate 8 and I still do not know how it will work now. I use apps like WhatsApp, Google Maps and other apps from US companies. If this 6 week deadline has expired, are the apps gone as well? So almost uninstalled and I have to see if I replace them with APKs of apps? I do not really need new versions of Android (I'm still at 7.0).


You can continue to use the phone happily. When the deadline is over you can use the phone internally like now. Even after 10 years. Only the new phones from Huawai that are not out there have a big problem now. But you do not have to worry about your phone


You can continue to use everything as before, only on new Huawei and Honor smartphones these apps may not be pre-installed, you will also get updates for the apps.


Ah, good to hear.


Yes, ok, I do not want to get a new cell phone anyway, that works great and is used until it is flat ^^




You can do that without restrictions.