Recommend a good but cheap phone?


I (16 / M) want me on the 15th when I get back money to buy a new phone but do not know which because the good ones like Iphone or Samsung cost 500-1000 euro, and I only get 550 euro a month and me I do not want to spend all the money of this month on a cell phone, actually I would save a bit longer but I need a new one urgently… So someone here knows a good phone that costs nothing more than 350 euro? And preferably no Huawei.


Samsung a5 2017. I've had one year and it's really good. Costs around 250 euro again


LG q6 has a very good hardwear pubg example, would run on Max settings costs 200 euro but s.den camera would morbidly saved really morbid very very the indescribable schlim but you can gamble on it well evtl I'm too spoiled too much of high end but with the q6 you do not do anything wrong very well who you do not have the camera einnen eighth core games eg run liquid 32 gb memory think 3gb RAM


Thank you! I think about the camera but I'll probably get it anyway.


I would even want to spend only 150 in your place. But you get through from devices that have everything you need. Just google it. At Heise something has also been tested, certainly you will find the test still under Otherwise, there are many other network tests. I also did that when I buy my niece cheap smartphone.


Habs bought me and am so far very satisfied (except with the camera but before that you have warned me), thanks again for the recommendation!


My pleasure