Huawei Mate 20 apps crash?

- in Mate series

Hello with my Huawei Mate 20 different apps crash just like that. For example GMail when I want to update the mailbox, Google Search when I want to search something and TikTok when I want to open a video in which I was tagged. I've tried everything possible:

clear cache
Restart the phone
Cell phone checked for updates

do you have any other ideas?


Google has brought an update for the WebView and has probably built a bug

Wait a little longer, then a bug-fixed version will probably be released


This is an update error

See if a new app for "Android System WebView" is already available and if it works again.

Otherwise reset "WebView" or uninstall updates




Android System WebView

App details



For me everything crashes tt instagram whatsapp google everything. You are not the only one with me and many I know are the same… And this Android system web view brings nothing you have to update it and that just doesn't work (I tried it) so I would just say we all went stupid internet also says that all servers have huge problems ka why. So we can't do anything (if we do, please tell me) and just have to wait. (I certainly couldn't help you, but that's all I know and can say.): '


So I downloaded and installed the update this afternoon and everything works fine again.